När Joseph Duffy (14-1) var tvungen att dra sig ur matchen mot Dustin Poirer (18-4), blev Poirier erbjuden match mot mot Norman Parke (21-4-1) som han sa nej till och fick mycket kritik för. Poirier tycker däremot att Parke borde vara tacksam över att han tackade nej till matchen.
Poiriers match mot Duffy på UFC Fight Night 76 blev struken och Poirier förklarar varför han tackade nej till att gå match mot Parke istället.
”I’m at ease with the decision. Even before seeing him fight I knew he was a boring fighter that I could have beat, you know? That wasn’t the thing, it was just the whole principle of the guy I was going to fight and the fight he had behind him and being in his hometown. I trained 12 weeks for that guy.
Norman is not a tough fight. He’s on Twitter saying all kinds of stuff. Dude, he should be happy he fought that guy he fought, because he’d be getting his walking papers this week. I saved his career, he should thank me.”