UFC har skickat ut ett meddelande till flera av sina fighters där de uppmanar dem att inte ansluta sig till facket. Responsen bland fighters är både positiv och negativ.
Sedan UFC dominerat marknaden allt mera har de börjat få mer kritik. Deras forna fighters försöker stämma dem för att bryta mot monopollagar och andra fighters ropar efter ett fackförbund. Sedan Reebokaffären har fackförbunden blivit mer aktiva och fått mer stöd av UFCs fighters efter att många av dem förlorat stora sponsorpengar. UFC har nu skickat ut ett meddelande där de uppmanar sina fighters till att inte ansluta sig till facket:
Dear Athletes,
Based on the recent announcement by the unions claiming they want to organize UFC athletes, we suspect they will be asking you to sign a ”union card”. So we thought there were a few things you’d want to consider about possible unionization.
Will the Teamsters Union and Culinary Workers Union 226 Really Look Out for Your Best Interests?
Joining the Teamsters Union and Culinary Workers Union 226 could change everything. To begin with, the unions want to treat you like an employee, which could cause you to lose the advantages and benefits of being an independent contractor. Also, your career and professional life could be turned over to union bosses who have no idea what it takes to be a mixed martial arts athlete.
The unions say they want to help you organize, but what does that really mean for you?
If you sign a union card:
- Teamsters Union and Culinary Workers Union 226 could use your signed union card to actually limit your bargaining power. They could assume complete control as your exclusive bargaining representative and spokesperson, completely restricting your important voice during contract negotiations. They could be in control, not you.
- Being a part of their union could force you to be completely submissive to union bosses and individuals who have not spent a day in the mixed martial arts business. Ultimately, a union could determine who you can and cannot fight, and how often you fight. They could be in control, not you.
If you value your voice and independence, we encourage you to reject the unions. Let your voice be heard and say ”No” to the unions.
And in case you still don’t believe the unions have their own agenda, take a minute to read this editorial from the Las Vegas Review-Journal newspaper: Click Here
Kirk D. Hendrick
Zuffa, LLC, dba Ultimate Fighting Championship
Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer
Det finns fighters som är både kritiska till UFCs agerande och några som är kritiska till facket. UFC-fightern Josh Samman är en av dem som är kritiska mot facket och släppte följande uttalande:
”It’s difficult to not get an overwhelming sense of folks taking the UFC roster for idiots here. It’s inconceivable to me how the Culinary Union, the same organization that lobbies against our sport in New York, expects to sign a single UFC fighter. It comes off very much as a power grab to use MMA fighters as pawns for leverage over the Fertittas.I don’t want to be involved in any capacity in the battle between those two, and that’s what it appears like they’re trying to drag us into. The UFC’s response email was not particularly strong, and could have been more informative on the subject. A better approach may have been to write several op-eds, to multiple newspapers, then email us a list of them, instead of one weak one at the end that makes jokes about the Culinary Union tapping out.
I’m not an attorney, nor am I an expert on unions. From what I’ve read, a fighter’s association may be a more feasible option. I’m not opposed to either, but we’ve got to wait for the correct people to come along. These are not those people.”
En av dem som är istället är kritiska forne UFC-Fightern Brandon Vera. På sin facebook sida delar han med sig av sina åsikter:
Why are y'all "politicking" @UFC dancing all around the subject . Do you think the Fighters are that dumb, as to not…
Posted by brandon Vera on den 3 september 2015
Vad säger läsarna? Behövs det ett fackförbund som organiserar fighters?