Ariel Helwani kör varje vecka sin podcast The MMA Hour och nedan så kan du se måndagens avsnitt. Gäster för den här gången var Chris Leben, Mark Munoz, Steven Seagal, Patrick Cote, Tim Kennedy och Ray Longo.
Ungefärliga tider kan du se nedan.
- 00:03 UFC middleweight Chris Leben will preview his UFC 162 fight against Andrew Craig.
- 00:25 Trainer Ray Longo will discuss Chris Weidman’s middleweight title fight against Anderson Silva at UFC 162.
- 00:45 Tim Kennedy will talk about his Octagon debut against Roger Gracie at UFC 162.
- 01:05 Mark Munoz will discuss his bumpy road to UFC 162, where he will meet Tim Boetsch.
- 01:25 Patrick Cote will talk about Canada Day, coaching TUF: Nations and his experience fighting Silva at UFC 90.
- 01:45 Sensei Steven Seagal will discuss Silva’s game plan heading into UFC 162.
- 02:05 We’ll answer your #themmahour questions on anything and everything going on in the MMA world. Hit us up on Twitter using that hash tag or give us a call. The best submission of the day will receive a prize. Contest rules can be found here and here.
Plus, we’ll be taking your calls on anything and everything. Got a question or comment? Give us a call at 1-888-418-4074.
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