Darren Till fortsätter sin professionella karriär som obesegrad då han tar hem sin viktigaste vinst någonsin genom att besegra Stephen ”Wonderboy” Thompson. Det var dock långt ifrån en enkel seger för ”The Gorilla” och det var många som trodde att ”Wonderboy” hade gjort tillräckligt för att vinna matchen innan domarna slutligen annonserade ut att engelsmannen vunnit med siffrorna 48-47, 49-46, 49-46.
VIDEO: Magisk atmosfär i Echo Arena när Darren Till gör entré
En mycket jämn match
Förväntningarna var skyhöga när det var dags för Till och Thompson att äntligen mötas i buren. Båda fighters är välkända för sina stående attacker men istället för ett krig så blev fansen bjudna på en strategisk schackmatch där båda fighters valde att ta det säkra före det osäkra.
Efteråt var fans, fighters och presskår väldigt kluvna om det slutgiltiga resultatet. När UFCs president Dana White fick frågan vem han hade som vinnare så kunde han inte heller ge ett klart svar:
“I said I have no idea,” sade White under presskonferensen
“Every round was so close,” fortsatte han. “When you have rounds that are so close, you almost lose track of scoring. It was a tough fight to score.”
Några var inte lika osäkra som UFC-bossen men merparten tyckte att det var en mycket svårbedömd match. Inte helt oväntat var det också en hel del besvikna röster på Twitter:
I feel like we’re watching a real intense Dance Dance Revolution battle 😳 #UFCLiverool
— Cub Swanson (@CubSwanson) May 27, 2018
See, this IS the striking version of Abu Dhabi, super high lever and kinda boring. #UFCLiverpool
— Angela Hill (@AngieOverkill) May 27, 2018
Till can land a soft jab and the crowd will yell Like it’s a knockout
— Belal Muhammad (@bullyb170) May 27, 2018
Till vs Wonderboy is a testament to horrible striking. They both talk big game and confidence but non of them believe in their striking. #WeakMinded
— Siyar Bahadurzada (@Siyarized) May 27, 2018
Till can land a soft jab and the crowd will yell Like it’s a knockout
— Belal Muhammad (@bullyb170) May 27, 2018
Fight could’ve went either way in my opinion not that big of a robbery they were to friendly for my liking in the middle of a fight 🤷🏽♂️
— Belal Muhammad (@bullyb170) May 27, 2018
— Rafael dos Anjos (@RdosAnjosMMA) May 27, 2018
This guys touch gloves and hug it other more times than punch in the face #UFCLIverpool
— Rafael dos Anjos (@RdosAnjosMMA) May 27, 2018
Not the banger you wanted. But the high level chess match that you very much appreciate. Great fight to both men! @WonderboyMMA @darrentill2 @ufc
— Alan Jouban (@AlanJouban) May 27, 2018
Really close fight, no one was robbed. But the hometown crowd noise for Till influenced the scoring IMO. @ufc
— Alan Jouban (@AlanJouban) May 27, 2018
I fell asleep. How’d that Till Thompson fight go?
— Lando Vannata (@GroovyLando) May 27, 2018
Darrell with a sweet game of paddy cake to edge out the choir boy. That should catapult him up the catchweight rankings. Fat fuck. .@darrentill2 #UFCLIVERPOOL #NerdBash2018
— Colby Covington (@ColbyCovMMA) May 27, 2018
I thought Wonderboy won and it makes me mad that people who DON’T make weight this year are 7-1 in their fights. Something needs to change.
— Chris Weidman (@chrisweidman) May 27, 2018
Good show gentlemen . . . Touch don’t get touched. Way of the future. I’m a risk taker though. #YoungAndReckless #KillOrBeKilled #FightSmart #HitDontGetHit #Balance
— Platinum Mike Perry (@PlatinumPerry) May 27, 2018
Sorry but controlling the Octagon does not give you the round. @WonderboyMMA landed the cleaner harder shots in the first 3 rounds. Sad that people that are supposed to know about the sport are lacking greatly in their knowledge of what is scored in a round #AskBJM
— Big John McCarthy (@JohnMcCarthyMMA) May 27, 2018
Hmmmm…. that doesn't seem like the right decision.
— Will Brooks (@ILLxWillBrooks) May 27, 2018
I guess people forgot what they did to @danhendo over there. What did you expect. When nobody gets punished for blatantly breaking the rules it will happen again. Too easy.
— Justin Gaethje 🇺🇸 (@Justin_Gaethje) May 27, 2018
Who do YOU think won between Thompson and Till? pic.twitter.com/0mvg9trrTk
— MMAnytt.se (@mmanytt) May 28, 2018
That decision pic.twitter.com/shM0jWnJfL
— #OnAmission4Gold (@KelvinGastelum) May 27, 2018
Congrats Till on the Big win! #UFCLiverool pic.twitter.com/utG3s0GfFf
— Cub Swanson (@CubSwanson) May 27, 2018
Vem hade du som vinnare?